
Prymus has successfully supported and advanced our client businesses in the utility sector by supporting:

Advanced System Development, Architecture Services

Embedded Software Support

ADMS, EMS, GIS, and AMI Services

Strategy, Consulting, Staffing, Implementation and Sales Strategy/Representation for Tier 1 suppliers, Meter

Manufacturers & IOUs



What We Can Do:

The ADMS & SCADA applications provide the foundation for grid management and electric outage restoration processes. Prymus resources can aid utilities with technical and end user testing support, data management activities, integration configuration and full system support.

Utility Experience:

Provide technical application test support throughout the various test phases of the ADMS deployment and support cycle.

Provide analysis and testing of in-flight model topology changes received from GIS system

Maintain and update configuration points used within the ADMS environment

Support development, testing, and implementation of data integration between ADMS and corporate systems.


eMap Real Time Network

Optimize visual representation of the Real Time Map with graphical queries

Add correct customer data aggregated to the circuit service transformers for the DMS Tabular Display


Cleanse and normalize and validate telemetry data to ensure that any circuit can be utilized by the application algorithms

Enable circuits by gathering and completing data requirement specifications


Correlate customer AMI data for the analysis of the residential 4.8 kV delta networks to streamline the crew dispatch process

Use AMI and SCADA to detect low impedance faults – wire down

Support advanced data correlation techniques to show heat maps of the voltage and load for distribution circuits


OpenNet Model Optimization

Network Reduction Services for the external model

Internal model topology verification and correction recommendations

SCADA key mapping and recommendations for the outside model ICCP data acquisition

OpenNet Contingency Definitions

Validate contingency definitions and make recommendations to modify/add/remove

Improve real time contingency analysis for the Operators by naming aligned with the official system nomenclature

System Modeling


Voltage signature correlated 8760 Load Aggregation for Service Transformers (Residential and Commercial)

Load Allocation for the Industrial Sites with no SCADA

Format Load Profiles for input into eMap Weekday and Weekend by Season and Special Days

Perform analysis on the availability and quality of the source data

Create a sustainable and repeatable periodic process for the load profile updates

DER modeling and Interconnection (PV, Wind, EV, Storage)


Feature Classes and Attributes

Recommend priority and data maintenance intervals for the ADMS dependent elements

Analyze Feature Class / Subtype data tables, sort and clean up the existing data for the load into ADMS

Import Customer Data from the source into the features/attributes for the use by the eMap and Advanced Apps

Topology Analysis

Perform load flow analysis and validate connectivity of the electrical circuits and point elements

Sustainability and SLAs

Document data flows to ensure targeted ADMS Apps are supported from Engineering sources through the GIS database and then updated in model loads